Monday, March 18, 2013

Magnetic Fields

Magnetic fields are Awesome!! If anyone were to ask what I thought were the coolest things ever, magnetic fields would be up there on my list! Just take a moment and look at these photos....

Of course these are artistic impressions of what magnetic fields look like considering they are not visible to the naked eye.

Since I don't have much time, afterall, I do have an astrophysics final exam to study for, I will briefly outline some facts about magnetic fields in lieu of creating a Mathematica simulation. Terribly sad dear readers, don't fret, if you'd like, I can give you a tour of my lab and show off all the magnets I have made by hand!!! :) Of course, if you are not reading my blog, you'll never know of my private tour and just leave me more time to play with coils all by myself! :)


1 tesla is equivalent to:
10,000 (or 104) G (gauss), used in the CGS system. Thus, 10 G = 1 mT (millitesla), and 1 G = 10−4 T.

Magnetic fields:

Earth's magnetic field: Its magnitude at the surface ranges from 25 to 65 µT (0.25 to 0.65 G)

Sun's magnetic field: has a large and complex magnetic field which varies. I couldn't find an average magnitude at its surface.

Neutron star magnetic field: can have like fields approximately 50,000 T (500,000,000 G) That's insane!!!

World record for man made magnetic field: approximately 100 T (1,000,000 G)

Largest Hand made coil made by me: 980 G (which is less than 1 T)

Here are some photos:

Before and after sandblasting the mounts we used to wrap the coils.

The finished product... more than 6 hours later. :P


Lastly, I'm very interested in magnetic poles reversing. Below, I have included some artistic impressions of the magnetic poles of the earth switching. Also, I wanted to mention, what I just learned today, that the magnetic poles of the sun reverse every 11 years! Very interesting! You can read about it Here!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I'm not sure it's on the web, but I've seen video of an explosion where the solenoid at Los Alamos exploded under the pressure. It was amazing. They have an entire building full of capacitors storing charge in order to create a massive current. Apparently one time they put too much current in and it shattered the steel beams holding it together. The whole room blew up.

  3. Since you are interested in magnetic reversals, I thought you might be interested in this link: It has an animated computer simulation of the earth's magnetic pole reversal created with 2000 hours of supercomputer processing, which you can view by clicking on the image at the bottom of the page. Also, the USGS has some really good webpages and links to research on the Earth's magnetic field. I actually wrote on this topic in one my last posts and I included those links in my references.
